02 June, 2017



Been better together
with sorrow rejected
grown light as a feather
our love here's to get it

the parfum your kiss emits
wet rose in a garden's pot
reminded me of John Keats
outspoken as an unveiled plot

ethereal meets the sky
the waves of my salty sea
caressing them were built high
audacious has stolen me

euphoria's sacred land
by far in the Poetic Art
rejoices thou unleashed tongue
in flames since pulled apart

yet scarlet the words for true
went pale and passed away
a whirlwind to be reaped too
bewails through night and day...

(Iambic verse)

© VALIA MAISTROU 01.07.2017, “Verses and Rhyme” All Rights Reserved.
My Poetry Blog: http: /valiamaistrou.blogspot.com